CherryTree History

Since 2013 we have helped over 2000 individuals into sustainable outcomes and worked with the likes of Tottenham Hotspur FC, Barnet Council, Notting Hill Genesis, Westminster City Council, Countryside Properties and Department for Work & Pensions to name just a few..


Set up in business (July) at 25-27 Oxford Street, W1D 2DW as a social vehicle supporting hard to reach young people into opportunities to get them back into employment and full-time education. Over time we changed our target groups but our aim has stayed that we reach people through niche training and mentoring.

August we helped launch a Fun day at Tottenham Hotspur FC for the new Sainsbury’s store being built at White Hart Lane. We invited partner organisations including the Army and Capoeira dancers. A video can be seen here:
October we set up the very first ever job fair at Tottenham Hotspur FC, White Hart Lane. 500 local residents attended and 12 employers including Tk Maxx, Sports Direct, Haringey Council, City Gateway and Future Unlimited and was a huge success. The new Sainsbury’s had been launched a few months earlier.
Worked with Remploy, Urban Futures, ProspectsNetwork Housing Group, Carppe Group, GHARWEG,


Worked with Community Trust Housing (now SW9 Community Housing part of Network Homes) to deliver a Skills Audit for the whole Stockwell Park Estate. This involved a door to door survey gaining information from residents. We then delivered an employability day and from the feedback we successfully delivered a 3-day Business Start-up course for 10 local residents.
Part of a consortium with Roadworks Media and Incrementum Support, we gained DWP Flexible Support Funding to support young people in Southwark through our ground-breaking programme called ‘Fly Southwark’. This was a 4-week programme involving creative media training, employability and personal development workshops and working with 20 young people and we finished helping 80% into employment.
Set up a job fair at Crystal Palace FC Foundation with companies like Barclays Bank and GLL in attendance.
Worked with Network Housing Group, MACE, Renaisi, Lesoco, DWP, Roadworks Media, City Gateway, Ubele Initiative, Work Zone (Westfield), Powerlist Foundation, Tomorrows People, Crystal Palace FC Foundation.


Ran Security and Construction training via a college in Peckham called JFC Training College. Supported over 100 to become qualified.
Gained DWP Funding of £49k to work with Ex-Offenders in Barking & Dagenham on a Railway Engineering course. Successfully helped 45% of our cohort gain employment.
Successfully ran a DWP funded ‘Fly Southwark’ programme as part of a consortium training young people in Southwark via a 4-week personal development course teaching them creative media skills and employability. A short video we made with the students can be seen here:
Worked with Remploy, A4E, JFC College, DWP, Ariston Developments, Renaisi, Clean Slate, Roadworks Media, Kaleidoscope, Pocketfit Training, Community Builders, Shaw Trust


We began working with a private training provider called Integer Training based in Bude, Cornwall. They were an ‘Apprenticeship Levy’ Training provider who offered apprenticeships in the following fields: Business Admin, Customer Service, Spectator Safety and Personal Training. Funded via Integer Training College we supported learners aged 19+ across London to become qualified in Level 2 Fitness Instructing and Level 3 Personal Training. The funding was via the Government Advanced Learner Loans Scheme. We also started a short partnership with Fitness First Oxford Circus where students were given free membership to their gyms.
We also worked with a private training provider called Edudo based in Staffordshire. They funded us for a £450’000 contract to deliver Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Health & Fitness courses (worth £4600 per person) to adults aged 19+ via the Government Learner Loans Scheme. After our first course the company went bust and changed their name to Learning Republic Group leaving CherryTree Foundation to clean up their mess. All 12 students however passed the course and gained their qualifications after we met with the CEO of Active IQ, Jenny Patrickson.
Worked with Edudo, Ethical Transitions, London Probation Services, G4S, Fitness First, QPR in the Community


March we ran a 10-day Level 2 Spectator Safety & Door Supervision course at Westminster Kingsway College funded by Integer training. The programme was held at their Regents Park Centre, Kings Cross, Longford Street London NW1 3HB.
July we took a group of 7 Fitness students abroad to Bologna via Integer’s ERASMUS+ funding scheme on a 15-day work experience. We continued our Fitness courses and now had a national partnership with Gym Group meaning our participants gained 3 months FREE gym memberships in 200+ gyms
Ran 10 consultancy sessions with a charity called Key4Life where we mentored and supported their service users into employment. We ran 3 hour sessions with 20 of their participants who were mainly young males released from prison who Key4Life then supported. Their founder is Eva Hamilton MBE.
Gained funding from Edward Harvist Trust, a grant awarding organisation and part of Westminster City Council who fund charities based within the borough. We were funded £2’500 for our ‘Moving Forward’ programme with youth in Pimlico for a fitness project.
Gained £49’999 from DWP East London District to run a project called ‘Elevate Hackney’ with Caleo Consortium. This was a project working with young people in Hackney, Tower Hamlets and City of London to help them into employment. This was a remote course (pre-Covid) as we never actually met with learners other than recruiting them and interviewing them.
Worked with Key4Life, Slenky, Gym Group, Gecko Programmes, Prince’s Trust, Edward Harvist Trust, QPR Community Trust, DWP, Eynsford College


March. Invited to hold a stand at an Ex-Offender event held at Wembley stadium by the Employer Engagement Partnership Group in London and Thames Valley and Tottenham Hotspur Foundation. The event was the first of its kind and hosted partners and stakeholders working together to achieve outcomes for ex-offenders.
Tottenham Hotspur asked us to subsequently run a 1-week Security course for local residents who would work on the upcoming Tottenham Hotspur stadium being built. We trained 12 candidates to gain their SIA licence and successfully 11 passed.
January. Funded by DWP South London in January for £90’000 to work with 50 Ex-Offenders via their Dynamic Purchasing System in Lambeth and Southwark. We were tasked with helping 15 candidates into employment and finished on 26.
Worked with DWP, Skanska, Network Rail, HMP Thames Valley.


March. Working with 60 adults via 19+ Advanced Learner Loans with Westminster City Council.
Worked with Integer Training, Westminster Adult Education Services 


Working with Ingeus on their DWP RESTART programme as a Performance Fund Supply Partner on their contracts in Central and West London and Greater Manchester. To date CherryTree have worked with over 1400 unemployed adults across London referred to our programmes including Fitness, Security, Railway Engineering, Construction, Forklift Training and Fibre Optics Engineering.

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